Thursday, April 18, 2013


Well dear me, dear me---Lewis has saved the day. I doubt not that you've noticed the lack thereof of posts, and so it was that I happen to be in terrible need of a tag.

Thank you oh Lewis, the great and wonderful, who goeth by the name of "Jack", who is the companion of Sir John Boswell the Hedgehog, and who bloggererth yonder @!

I. 11 random facts about myself:

1. Every day I have at least one moment in which I hum/sing/mumble the chorus of that song that you hear in the beginning of the Elf credits. I'm not kidding. Every. Day.

2. Figured out that a little garlic salt works wonders when it comes to eggs.

3. I went swimming. On Monday. Kinda cold.

4. Reading Great Expectations right now, and I have the overwhelming urge to name something (or someone) 'Pip'. Or maybe Pepin. Because I'm also studying the the Middle Ages.

5. I have a strange fondness for ice. Ice is always dependable. Ice is always cold. You cannot have not-cold ice. Ever. Or else it's not ice.

6. I think breakfast is overrated.

 7. ---However, the song is brilliant.
Breakfast by Newsboys on Grooveshark

8. I like raw mushrooms. A lot.

9. Autumn is my least favorite season. If you lived in the desert where there are no leaves to change colors, you probably would too.

10. I have to watch the movie before I read the book.

11. I'm not a chick-flick girl. Sorry peeps, but I lose interest when it comes to those. :P

II. The questions from Jack that I'm supposed to answer:

 1. The Doctor shows up and asks you to be his companion at the same time Sherlock asks you to be his blogger. Who'd you pick?
As a hardcore blogger, I'd go with Sherlock. Getting my brains sucked out, my life drained away, or my eyeballs skewered out of my head by an alien race does not at all appeal to me, and though I'm not certain that any of these things have happened to companions in the past, I'm quite sure that it's very likely.

 2. In the great Clara debate, who do YOU think she is. (And if you don't know who Clara is...I've two words for you. No, three. Watch Doctor Who.)
Sherlock's daughter.

 3. You're falling off a building, which Avenger do you want to save you?
Dr. Banner, but just him as himself, not the Hulk. He seems like a very decent fellow.

 4. Would you go for a ride in a cold, hot air balloon?
Oh my gosh---Lewis I love you!!

 5. Does your wardrobe lead to Narnia?
Nope, my bathtub drain does. (thus explaining my long showers)

 6. You meet an Alien who is about to kill you. Do you offer him a Jelly Baby or run?
Not a Jelly Baby---I offer him my services as a interior designer instead.

 7. If your best friend faked his death to save your life, then popped up a year later to inform you he was still alive, would you faint or punch him?

 8. Buttered popcorn or plain?
Anything but the cheesy kind or the greasy movie theater stuff.

 9. Have you ever had a flip phone in your position and wished to yell, "Beam me up, Scotty!" into it?

 10. What is your favouritest book?
The Last Battle.
 11. It is raining, do you go for a walk in it or sit by the fire with hot chocolate and a good book?
The book can wait---so can the umbrella, shoes, and coat. WE'RE OUTTA HERE!

III. My 11 questions: 

1. What did the spoon say to the fork? 

2. If I ask you to make me a pizza, would you assume that I would like mushrooms on it?

3. Would you rather be able to fly or never grow a day older?

4. You are a child's pet goldfish. What do you do to keep yourself entertained?

5. Pixar or Disney? (animation-wise only)

6. Could you eat nachos with chopsticks?

7. If you could rename your best friend, what would their new name be? 

8. Choose your weapon: Duct tape, or silver sharpie? 

9. Are you partial to a certain eye color?
10. Did you EVER in your WHOLE LIFE play hop-scotch?

11. If you were a book, what would be your last sentence? 

IV. My 11 victims:

It just so happens that I have 11 followers. Albeit, I know some of these followers no longer read this blog, or for that matter, care twopence about it. Nevertheless, I'm tagging these, my dear followers, and if they read this, they may consider themselves commissioned to do the following: 

--Thank your tagger
--Write 11 random facts about yourself
--Answer my 11 questions
--Create 11 questions for your tag-ees
--Tag 11 others
My tag-ee followers are...
The Director
Ely Gyrate
Isabelle Renee
Miss Jack Lewis Balliot (wait, that doesn't work now, does it?)
John Boswell
Elizabeth Odair

Do with this what you will. 
Have fun!



MADZ of AnimalTM said...

I will answer the questions O'tagger of many. idea.

2.i would be crazy not to.

3.totally fly!(I daydream about it all the time!)

4.try to spit in the child's face every time he/she fed me.

5.Disney/Pixar(together they're better.)

6.yes. I consider myself a chopstick master.

7.probably: DragonChick.

8.the sharpie. It'd look so sharp.

9.i have a weakness for blue eyes.

10.yes.(I won that game.)

11."It's a long story,"

Kismint said...

Niiiiice. I applaud your mean chopstick skillz. :P

MADZ of AnimalTM said...

Don't want to brag, but I am pretty good. :)

elizabeth said...

I shall get cracking on this--as soon as I recover from PND (post-Nationals depression). It's only been one day without my team, and I already have it bad. These coming weeks do not look good.

Oh well. Now it's time to look forward to 2014. :)

Kismint said...

Oh!! I absolutely hate that feeling when you have crazy-friend-and-family-outing withdrawl. :(
Terrible stuff.
I'm looking forward to seeing your answers to the tag...don't go too recluse on us. :P

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