Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Dreams Tell Me Stories

I woke up from a series of weird dreams this morning.
Most of my dreams include me having to fend off enemies with my trusty hobbit sword. Everything gets rather violent and 007 actionish. Dreaming is my way of entertaining myself during recharge mode, and I love it when I surprise myself with imaginary plots and subconscious characters. Last night part of my escapade included duelling a minion of some bad-guy-villain-or-other. He wasn't human though, instead he was a creation of Bad-Guy-Villain...and he looked strangely like a man with a giant maple leaf strapped to his back. Obviously, he had chameleon powers, because every time he weaved his way in and out of the forest that we were combating in, his entire body and clothing attire would change color. Later on in my dream, "Leaf Man" became a good guy, realizing that his former master (for some reason, Bad-Guy-Villain seemed to really be into creating non-human camouflage/chameleon followers) was in the wrong.

I can't remember if there was ever a conclusion, but after waking up, taking a horseback riding lesson, and showering, I could still picture both Leaf Man and Bad-Guy-Villain clearly in my head. (It helped that they had taken on a sort of Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra look in my dreamstate.) So I went ahead and drew out Leaf Man (right).

I was lazy and didn't scan these.
Instead I just snapped photos.
He's kind of unfinished. 
...For clarification, this is sort of my revised vision of the image that future Leaf Man could take on. He didn't quite look so legit in my dream...more like a guy with a giant onesy and globish facial expressions.

The other picture (left), is entitled "Chrissy".
This was a doodle that I drew up on Friday with a friend of mine. She lives in a treehouse. And we think she's pretty cool.

Copy That,


elizabeth said...

your dreams sound like mine... weird, yet totally awesome. :) I've had strange dreams every night for the past week, but the only one I fully remembered was the Snow Princess dream. That one was weird...

Doesn't it bug you how sometimes you know you had an awesome dream, but you just can't remember it?

Kismint said...

Yeah, I found that after waking up from a dream, I can choose to either forget it forever, or remember bits and pieces of it.

'Tis a very rare occasion when I can remember a complete dream sequence. I only recall segments and "screen shots" from them.

MADZ of AnimalTM said...

Gosh, I've been having this dream that I hatched a hundred chicks in my incubator and they all gang up and kill me!!! Like, violent!! I'm starting to wish I never got those eggs.

Lauricia Dawn said...

Its funny how entertaining our dreams can be. I have dreams and I literally get giddy thinking about my awesome dream life. In my dreams there is a hero to rescue, the words left unsaid are spoken, and things are usually set right. Dreams are confusing things.

I like your drawings :) Leaf man looks pretty cool. Who wouldn't want a maple leaf attached to their back? :)

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