Thursday, January 10, 2013

Given I complain about this far too much already...



E-jai said...

So, I like the music but is there a way to pause it so I can watch the clip without interference?

Kismint said...

Ah yes, good point. I've moved the player from the bottom of the blog to the top up there. *points up and to the left*

Jack said...

Oh, Merlin, you crack me up sometimes. Sometimes he sounds like a clueless little boy, and others like a wise man - while still being a cluelees boy. *Grin*

When you get a hold of Abolished Impracticality let me know. I still cannot spell it without looking. this case, the hand rubbing might be something not really cool but authorly mean. (Sometimes I love being an author. It is like being an evil overlord but without all the world conquering.)

Lauricia Dawn said...


And I'm sitting here like.....Wondering however you made your blog look so fantastic. Like'd this happen?????

It looks sooo good, girl.

Kismint said...

@ Lauricia:
The sad truth of it is that I'm a procrastinating nerd who'd much rather waste time designing a website than learn about gravity's acceleration formula.


Anonymous said...

I still wonder how you did this.....How-??

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