Sunday, December 16, 2012


While watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:

*Hopes this one is as good as The Prisoner of Azakban* 
*Is strangely reminded of a Calvin and Hobbes comic while witnessing Harry's dream* 
*Happens to be somewhat horrified of Ron's haircut* 
*Notices that guy actually looks a lot like David Tennant* 
*Ooh, blue fire* 
*Wait, remind me again: why is everyone so surprised that Harry is one of the champions?* 
*Has just come to the realization that fake eyes are actually very distracting* 
*Creepy how Tennant has such a look-alike* 
*Concludes journalist lady is creepy. But her floating pen and parchment are pretty cool.* 
*Wonders how Harry's glasses stay on while he's flying* 
*Seriously, that guy really does look like the tenth doctor* 
*Watches movie...* 
*Movie includes maze. Maze reminds me of BBC's Merlin* 
*Movie unfolds: Voldemort is disturbing* 
*Thinks either Harry of Voldemort should simply end the series now, rather than wait for four more consecutive movies to come out* 
*Could it possibly be Tennant?...Naw...* 
*Decides to wait until credits to find out*
*AHHHGHGG! The movie ended without credits! What on earth are you doing Megashare?!*  
*Movie ends* 
*Goes directly to Wikipedia* 
*Is it? it?...IS IT?????*

This is how it goes every time I watch a movie and think I recognize an actor from another movie/show/place in time. I'm very proud of myself.

Any movies that you've been watching lately? Any in particular that are Christmas traditions? I hope you all are enjoying this lovely month of Decemberness!

God bless,


elizabeth said...

well, Mekana and I finished Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark last night. I enjoyed it, not sure about her. She's not too big on "action" films. In her words: "I liked it more whenever they were actually talking, not fighting." *shrugs* it was a pretty good movie. Apart from the face melting scene. That was...weird.

Brilliant job recognizing Tennant! I knew he was in it, but that didn't keep me from jumping up and down in my seat whenever he came on the screen. That little thing he does with his tongue drives me crazy, though.

The guy from Twilight is in it too. I would be disgusted at that if he hadn't said numerous times that he would rather play Diggory than that weird vampire dude.

And I really abhor Ron and even Harry's hair this movie. It's just wrong...(I think it's the best in the Prisoner of Azkaban, but maybe that's because it is both my favorite HP movie and book).

Merry It's-A-Week-Away-From-Christmas-Today!!!!


Kismint said...

@ Ely:
*sigh* Mekena! How could you?? ;)
I agree, the face-melting part is gross. The first time I watched that movie, I was only a wee little lass and my mom covered up my eyes up at that part. =P

HA! That was the guy from Twilight?? No way! That really...weird. And somewhat hilarious considering the fact that I seriously couldn't fathom why all the characters kept saying that Diggory was the "handsome one".
*shakes head* I just don't understand.

I did however, like the fact that he was from Hufflepuff. *smirks*

I agree with you on their hair. ;P
Although I could stand Harry's. So far, The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite too!

Merry-it's-a-week-'till-Christmas-day to you to!

elizabeth said...

lol I was going to look away at that point, but I accidentally looked at the screen right when it happened, so I shrugged and said, "What the heck." I don't get scared or grossed out by most things (honestly, the snakes...unnerved me a wee bit...too much slithering) so it was okay. Just gross. :P

Yeah, I don't see what's attractive about him either. He's just kinda...pale. As in, creeper pale, not Colin Morgan pale. :)


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