Friday, December 14, 2012

A List of Ten

1. The Hobbit came out today. No, I didn't go to the midnight showing. Yes, I will be seeing it soon(ish).

2. Haphazardly Implausible, by Jack Lewis Baillot came out today. You should buy it. And read it. I'm getting a (signed!) copy of it. And I am excited about that.

3. Christmas is in 11 days, just in case you haven't noticed. Which is kind of a crazy thing, seeing as I have not decorated our house, bought presents, or worn my weird little fuzzy-sock things.

4. I need to take a math test today. But it's okay because algebra 2 is making sense.

5. A dilemma has presented itself to me: Do you like my new favorite French song that's on auto play on this page, or would you rather me change it to something more traditional? This is obviously a very important matter and requires much consideration.

6. Oh! Almost forgot: I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (err---Philosopher's) Stone last night. Which seems really really wrong ('cause of The Hobbit), but it was still a sweet movie. For your information, I watch my movies before reading the books (yes, I see that knife in your hand, but I'll explain some other time).

7. The night before last I dreamed that there were alien-zombies-who-could-shape-shift-into-humans invading Phoenix as the beginning of the end of the word and I had to fend them off with whatever weapons I could find (including sharpened pencils). After a while, I finally found my sword (a movie replica of "Sting", which---in waking life---I happen to keep stored in my bed) and was able to throw a bit of swordplay in. It seriously rocked.

8. Listening to Owl City's "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" cover. I feel like I haven't listened to Owl City in a while. Probably because I haven't. However, it's all I listened to during NaNoWriMo.

9. (speaking of) Last night I wanted to write another book. Anyone have a plot idea?

10. I'm about to take a big breath an happily dwell on the fact that I have a co-op free four weeks. Joy to the world.


elizabeth said...

*chuckles at the "co-op free four weeks" bit* Yes indeed. I understand your joy (no more Logic classes!! Hallelujiah!!!!)

Yay!! You watched Harry Potter and liked it! (Now go read the books.) :) I didn't like the Sorcerer's Stone because the acting was a little...weak. But the kids were super young then...the newer ones are much better in that respect.

Wow, your dreams are better than mine--I dreamed that I was helping my cousin direct our church's Christmas program (which I am in real life, actually) and nothing--I repeat, NOTHING--was going right at all. Possibly had something to do with the demonic two year old sheep...

Let's just say I didn't sleep well that night. :)

Love you,

Kismint said...

@ Ely:
Yeah, their acting could have been better, but they still pulled off the cute little wizardy-kids that they were supposed to. =)

Ooh, I love my sword-fighting dreams! They come up quite often.

God bless,

Anonymous said...

So first things first...
I am in love with French music. Every time I step into your little space here, I feel for a moment like I stepped into a french bakery, full of warm lights and glorious smells, and then I sorta snap out of it, because there is snow falling, everything is blue-ish grey, and its a lil' bit cold. Sure, its a bit of a culture shock, but I love it. :) (The first time the lady started singing it scared me like you wouldn't believe. Was not expecting that. haha.)

Christmas is in 10 days....I feel like I don't want to be reminded of that, for I am just so not ready.
I want to send you a Christmas present, K-minty....I really do.

I don't know if I have any plot ideas....I almost posted a paragraph of a story I wrote a while ago that I forgot about. I stumbled across this folder that had like dozens of not finished Novels that I'd written. What names my characters had! Zaiden, Kyrie, the list goes on. Its really interesting reading old writing.
I know a guy who reminds me on Adam Young. He looks like him. He sort-of acts like him...Its very interesting....

Anonymous said...

And Y'all have dreams almost as crazy as me. ;)

I keep having never ending dreams about Tom Hiddleston, which might start to creep me out...Its like, what have I done to start this???!?!

Kismint said...

@ Lauricia:
Oh I know, the lady singing is a bit startling at first. Someday I'll have to post what the lyrics mean in English. I looked it up and it's really something beautiful!!

Oiy...Christmas. I'm excited for it, but still, I want to push it back a week or so. I'm just not ready for it yet, ya know?

Reading old writing is fun (usually). You should share some of your's sometime (pleeeeeeeease???). Reading other people's brainstorms is quite helpful.
On a related note, I'm working on a plot that I started yesterday. Pretty sure that it won't go anywhere far, but I've been pining for a project concerning fantasy, therefore, I'm sticking with my currently-being-constructed-story for now.

Dreams. They're pretty awesome.

God bless,

elizabeth said...


Dreams about Tom Hiddleston? That is creepy and awesome at the same time! (I watched Return to Cranford and am amazed at how good of an actor he is--dark and twisted at one time, sweet and in love at another!) I had a dream with Thor in it once (which is really strange, because I cannot stand Thor...) Dreams are soooooo weird. :)


Anonymous said...

@Kismint: Oh yes, post the lyrics!! (If I don't look it up first....;)

Yeah, I know. I haven't done any Christmas shopping, and I just don't feel like its Christmas. Things don't seem completely right. I'm sure it will get better though.

Perhaps....I will say that I am EXTREMELY self conscious of posting my writing. I once let Ashley read a few chapters of something I wrote, the entire time in agony over the idea that she was actually reading it. haha. But you never know, I might post a paragraph. I haven't written like that in ages. I had no inspiration for a long time, which I think shut me down.

You don't have to tell me, I am already quite aware of how awesome he is. *Nervous smile*
That's right, it was Leauphaun I was talking to about Tom, I thought you guys knew about this crazy dream thing. I've had at least 5 dreams about him, granted, he's just amazing and sweet in all of them, so it shouldn't creep me out.
Dreams about Thor? Hmm...Well I don't mind him, but he's not my favourite. He's better than Iron Man. If I had dreams about Iron Man, I would flip. haha.
A friend of mine was dreaming that Thor was giving her fashion advice. haha. It just makes me laugh.

(Sorry Kismint, this was a long comment.)

E-jai said...

I'm not sure if it's quite four weeks that we have off of co-op. It's more like three. But still, break is break.

You do have cool dreams. You seem to remember them really well. I've heard that within the first ten minutes of waking up, you forget 90% of your dream. Also, if you had decided to start watching Doctor Who from the beginning, as in Nine, then you would know that the end of the world would have come at the hands of a single Dalek that Rose accidentally let loose and yeah.

I like the song. And I'm sure that whenever you post the lyrics it will be in the form of some youtube video with a close up of Asa Butterfield as the backround...:P

Happy nine days 'til Christmas!
Woah. There's only nine days till Christmas. *lets that sink in* Woah.


Kismint said...

@ Ejai:
Ah, that's why on 12/22/12 we all must wake up and run outside screaming "THE DOCTOR DID IT: HE SAVED US!".

...yeah okay sure, Asa Butterfield. I actually wasn't going to post it as a youtube video, but now that you give me the idea...;)

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