Friday, October 12, 2012

The Man: He Resembles Both Owl AND Hobbit

Sorry it looks squished.

Someday I'm gonna have a fangirl outburst. Dread that day friends. Dread that day. 

It's weird how I already can't wait for his next work of art to be produced, published, and public-ized. Seriously, this guy is one of the most amazing artists of the century. And when I say artists, I don't even mean music. I mean artistry in the fine craft of photography and wordsmithing too. This dude is good at things. Things that I very much want to be good at. And to top if off, he still keeps his head and faithfully follows our Savior. Even when fame is a very nasty, twisted, and tangled business, he openly proclaims the truth:

I guess this is just a re-statement of what I've said in previous posts. But why not have two more copper coins in the jar? 

Another reason to love Owl City: 
Every time I hear this it's like childhood nostalgia dances a tango straight into my ears.




elizabeth said...

owl city has been my favorite artist for this past month...something about All Things Bright and Beautiful just screams 'AUTUMN!!!!!' at me. :)


Kismint said...

Hmmm...could it be that the first words heard in that album are

"I saw the AUTUMN leaves peel up off the street"?

Heheheh. =)

Anonymous said...

Why isn't he ever recognized in the christian group of artists? He's always mixed in with the secular artists, but is never on the christian radio station, or on WOW cd's, or anything.

He's got a very......contagious smile :)

And every time I see him I think: Taylor....Adam. Taylor. Adam. Cutest couple they would be. :)

Kismint said...

@ Lauricia:
I believe his songs have been played on one of the Christian radio stations here. But he is still marketed as a secular artist, I know.

I s'pose he and his manager have their reasons. =)

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