Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hedgehogs Be Praised

For the second time in bloggerworld, I have been tagged! Seriously, is being tagged not the best feeling ever? =D

John the hedgehog from Banana's Aren't Good was nice enough to grant me the glee of being tagged! Here were his eleven questions:

1. You don't like bananas, right?
They are sometimes squishy and gross. Besides, I don't like monkeys.

 2. Do you want to build a snow man with me?
Oh ever so much! It doesn't snow here. =(

 3. Do you like movies with sand in them? I do. Jack's friend does too and that is how I saw the movie with sand in it.
I am not a beach person.

 4. Will you see the movie with the boy named Jack Frost in it?
If you buy the ticket.

 5. Will you read the books before the movie?
Serious doubts.

 6. Do you like books?
They smell nice.

 7. Do you have someone like Jack to read them to you?
No. But sometimes the ghosts in the closet come out and listen.

 8. Do you have a boring big brother like I do?
In all fairness, he does not bore me that much.

 9. Do you like cold chocolate or hot chocolate more?
Hot chocolate season is short-lived here. Cold is the way to go.

 10. Is your birthday the same day as my birthday?

 11. Do you want to put candles on your tree?
I do not think my tree would like me if I did that. I read books in her leaves, and I have a desk made out of plywood up in her branches. However, candles are not to her liking.
Someday I will live in a treehouse.

And here are my questions:

  1. Are you okay with bats?
  2. If I asked you to check out a book called "Lasagna for Breakfast" at the nearest library, what would your first thought be?
  3. Something on your "bucket list"?
  4. Is it cheesy to say gesundheit?
  5. Are monkeys cute or creepy?
  6. First guy's name that comes to your head?
  7. If you were to break your arm tomorrow, how would you do it?
  8. Best shoes to dance in?
  9. Would you recognize any Beatles's songs if one randomly played on the radio?
  10. Something that's bugging you now is...?
  11. The last video you played on YouTube was...?
And now: THE TAG-EES!

Ely @
Lauricia @
E-Jai @
Leauphaun @
Reg @ 
Isabelle @ 
Alosia @

Once again, thank you John the hedgehog! You are a good hedgehog friend, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

God bless!


Anonymous said...

Oh you tagged me....How sweet. :)

I think I might do this on my other blog, agreed?

Jack said...

This is John. You have ghosts? I wonder if Jack does. And yes, I will buy the ticket if you come and watch the Jack Frost movie with me...what is a ticket?

(YOU HAVE A DESK IN YOUR TREE?! I've always wanted a tree like that. It is my lifelong dream. Do you write up there?)


Kismint said...

@ L/K:
Yes, that sounds good too. =)

@ John the Hedgehog:
It is a tiny desk. And the ghosts are less of a reality and more of a fantasy.

Soon I shall write in my tree. "Soon"---that's what I keep on saying.

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