Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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You find a lot interesting things while researching for your NaNo.

For example, have you ever needed to survive a 35,000ft plummet from the sky? Or have any of your relatives been diagnosed with FFI (Fatal Familial Insomnia); a disease that kills its victims by making them slowly deteriorate from a complete lack of sleep?

My poor characters. They are about to have a very rough time.

If any of you are die hard fans of BBC it is likely that you will sit up and point with exclamation, shouting: "THAT'S THE KID FROM MERLIN!"
Okay, so it is. What have you to say?

I've found it is a help to find a visual of your fictional characters. Some sketch theirs, while others tend to surf Google, questing to find their interpretation of protagonist A, B, and C. In my opinion, it makes the story come to life.

I like snails.
In fact, I ate one once, shell and all, at age three. I do not advise picking things up off the sidewalk and swallowing them.

And that is all.


E-jai said...

Or if you're not necessarily a BBC fan, but just a die-hard Doctor Who fan, you will "sit up and point with exclamation, shouting," "It's Jethro!"
You do remember that episode, right? If not then that'll be awkward.
Hope you're having fun!

Kismint said...

True. Although I personally might have a hard time thinking of the kid in the picture as the same goth/punk kid who is awesome in that one episode.

elizabeth said...

oh my goodnes!!! I watched that episode last night with my dad and the whole time I sat there, I couldn't concentrate on it because he was so stinkin' familiar...halfway through I realized he was from Merlin.

Me wanna watch that show now... :)

Snails...I prefer slugs. You can make them turn inside out. Not that I've actually done it b4... :P


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