Saturday, July 7, 2012

Music + Video(s) = Music Video

Dear readers, I present to you my Tuesday.

Yes, filmed and edited. Therefore, blame everything on sweet, innocent, blameless me.

Apart from that, according to a personality test, I'm a heartless, in-sensitive introvert who is judgmental...?

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™
Your Type
Introvert(33%)  iNtuitive(38%)  iNtuitive  Thinking(50%)  Judging(22%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (50%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)

It also goes on to say that some may find me arrogent and ruthless.
In addition to that, it adds...


Generally, INTJs have successful careers in areas requiring intensive intellectual efforts, presenting intellectual challenge, and creative approach. Due to the characteristics mentioned above, successful INTJs are found in technological companies, particularly in research and development, and also found among corporate lawyers, high- and mid-rank managers in technology companies and financial institutions.
JCIJung Career Indicator™ determines occupations and areas in which INTJs find themselves most fulfilled and content, are most successful, and therefore are most represented in. Based on your personality type, the following is a list of the most suitable areas of occupations along with some examples of educational institutions, where you can receive a relevant degree or training. Please click occupation names and institution logos for more information. The most preferred areas appear first.
Click to explore click to exploreTechnical/Science  Click to explore click to explore
Computer Programming
Natural Science
Teaching Natural Science
Click to explore click to exploreManagement  Click to explore click to explore
Click to explore click to exploreSocial Services  Click to explore click to explore

Famous Personalities Sharing Your Type

  • Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author
  • Andrew Grove, a businessman, engineer, and author
  • Marie Curie, a physicist and chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity
  • Guy Kawasaki, a venture capitalist, bestselling author, and Apple Fellow
  • Igor Sikorsky, a pioneer of aviation
  • Hillary Clinton, the 67th US Secretary of State

"Apple fellow"??

Wait---Hillary Clinton!??
Shoot me now.

(did I ever mention that I hate math and science?)

Love to all,
The Heartless, Ruthless, Insensitive, Judgmental, Arrogant, Introverted Apple Fellow.
(I believe that would make me a HRIJAIAF)


elizabeth said...

That was hilarious!!! Luckily for my family, they were entranced by the movie they were watching and didn't have to endure my snickering or rolling on the floor laugh. That was AWESOME!!!!! :P
You have some awesome friends, K-minty. And even now, I see some resemblance between you and Mekana(if you're who I think you are in the video).
I must admit, my first thought when I saw it was--People? On K-minty's blog? :D


elizabeth said...

lol I tested myself and got this!

Famous ISFJs:

St. Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Jesus)
Louisa May Alcott(yayay!!)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Queen Elizabeth II of England(lol)
Robert E. Lee (oh my goodness!! I'm related to him! That is too funny! :D )
Queen Mary I ("Bloody Mary") of England(errr...)

U.S. Presidents:
William Howard Taft

Johnny Carson, comedian
Robin Roberts (Good Morning America)
Kristi Yamaguchi, US Olympic figure skater
Ed Bradley, journalist

Bianca in Taming of the Shrew
David Copperfield
Hero in Much Ado About Nothing (haha yes!!)
Melanie in Gone With The Wind
Ophelia in Hamlet (what????)
Dr. John H. Watson, M.D. (Sherlock Holmes' faithful sidekick) --okay, that is awesome.

And apparently it thinks I should either get a religious education or counseling, or be a nurse. :D


Kismint said...

@ Ely:
Hate to burst your bubble, but I can tell you now that no, I'm not who you think I am in the movie. I'm in like 0.8 seconds of it when the robot gets torn down and my face is covered up by multipul bandanas. The people are an exception this time because all the faces you see are adults or people otherwise already on facebook/other internet thingies.

However, J the Rapper looks a lot like Mekena too... =) Just older.

Oh that's cool with your personality!
I was really tired and really bord when I tested myself, so I didn't take pains to be accurate.

(thus the making fun of it) =D

Signed with dementia,
K-Minty who is verrrry tired

elizabeth said...

gotcha. I am queen of knee-jerk reactions. :D Now that I think about're tall...she didn't look that tall. :) Ooops! :P


Kismint said...

I like J. She's so pretty and nice and funny and awesome! =)

You are forgiven! ;P

PS: When I was typing "Youth Pastor" for the credits, I had to fight back the urge to insert "Toothpaste" (hehe).

Love ya tons!

elizabeth said...

you so should've!!! I bet your youth pastor would've been like, "Uhhh..." :P


Kismint said...

Oh yeah, if he had seen it on here he would have been...however, his copy has our actual names on the credits instead of my [awesomely devised] code names. =D

Plus, you would be the only one who would fully get the joke (oh, don't you just love inside jokes?).

God bless!

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