Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Artichokes and Segways

Is this cool or am I an artichoke?

So day 2 of VBS and no death marks on the records yet! This year I attempt in tackling 2nd grade...sweet children they are, but man are they clingy!

It's interesting. While participating as leader for small humanoids, you must put away all thought of cleanliness or claustrophobic meltdown. This comes quickly, let me assure you.

Funny how I remember being the same age and doing the same [to a T] things. Oh nostalgia!

I will probably continue to lament over these things over the next few days, but before I leave the topic, I want to leave you with this year's Vacation Bible School theme.

Amazing Wonders Aviation

I love this picture so much. I took it like two hours ago in the backyard and edited it to my own strange tastes. Seems dreamy to me.

And when I get dreamy, I usually find inspiration.
And when I find inspiration, I usually do THIS!!

(Entitled: Segway)

Did it work? Probably not. This was my own invention of technoness. Less then cool, but fun enough. It was my first attempt, so maybe we'll see more in the future...?
(I've already tinkered with a few more songs, so please, tell me if you're interested in hearing them)

Don't ask me why I call it Segway. I just see somebody rolling creepishly slow down the street to this music.

Until another random time,
K-Mint Plink-a-Dinky


elizabeth said...

that is pretty cool!
mwahahaha I love audacity. Now if only I had a keyboard. I have a upright piano and a majorly out of tune guitar that I'm still learning how to play. :D So I manage.


Anonymous said...

MK camp I had to deal with some of the most interesting cheribs. *Head shakes* Help. ;)

Ooohh...that IS exciting!

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