Arlo The Muntant Lamp Shade
Hi I have to admit that yes, this title seams to be a little odd, ( even on Halloween ) but, most of my posts start with a funny sounding title to catch attention. But as you all know Arlo is my dog, if you didn't know that find my last post my clicking older post at the bottom right of the screen a bunch of times. Anyhow, Arlo is my dog and unfortunately he
seamed to get a big scrape on the inside of the his back hind leg some time ago, no big deal right? I mean, Arlo gets cuts all the time and this wound wasn't deep, it was just wide. But nope, Arlo proved us wrong. After a while we began to notice it was healing. We didn't really know why but finally we did find out that Arlo himself was picking at his scrape. So what we did was use duct tape of course! My dad wrapped Arlo's leg up with duct tape so that he couldn't lick and chew his injury. Well, it seamed to work so after it had scabbed up nicely and some skin began to grow on it then me and Dad decided to take off the bandage because we though for shore that Arlo would not just tear up his skin and mess it up.
WRONG he DID chew it up and after all that switching bandages and so on we were back at square one. After that Arlo
seamed to have figured out that he could tear off the duct tape very easily if he wanted to so every time we wrapped it he would make a hole in it. I might know what your thinking, that if we just bough one of those cones that you put around a dog's head to keep them from messing with that kind of thing then why go to all that trouble? But me and Dad thought that a cone would terrify Arlo soooo much we would try to work around it as much as possible. So as a last thing to do we made a nice, thick, padded bandage, then put a
chunk of plastic over where the scrape was and taped tape over that, and THEN Dad had found out that Arlo didn't like the smell of permanent marker so he scribbled that onto the tape over the plastic over the tape that was over the paper towel padding that was over the cut!!! The day after that Dad took Arlo to the vet to get his rabies shot. While he was at the vet they told him that we would have to keep the scrape in the open air. So after all that bandaging we finally found out that we couldn't do that anymore! So Dad bought a bottle of bitter stuff made for dogs who wont leave things they aren't allowed to lick alone hoping that that would work. To make a long story short: It didn't. Oh GREAT just great, the only thing we could possibly do so that Arlo didn't get an infection and get sick was get or make a cone. So this morning Dad made Arlo a cone out of plastic coated cardboard. When we got it on to the now Cone Head as we call him he all he would do was back up and thrash around to try to get out of this device. after he had calmed down he just lied down and wouldn't really move. I had to get food which he LOVES and lead him around the backyard so he would get used to walking around being able to only see what is in front of him. He still gets stuck on things once in a while but he is doing much better!!
PS: what are you doing for halloween? I'm gonna help out at our church for Rock the Block!
For Halloween, I watched a movie and a half. I would have helped out at rock the block, but I was sick. UGHUGHUGHUGHGUGHGUGHGUGHGUGHGU
PS it seems like you think duct tape fixes everything!
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I made myself a new blog!
check out
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