Tuesday, January 8, 2008

All About Arlo

Hello Blogger buddies! Now I want to tell you all about my dog, Arlo.He is the cutest, funnest, most lovable dog ever! But I have to warn you, HE WILL JUMP! He will not jump because he wants to hurt you bout because he wants to play. But since he is a fairly big dog then you still have to be careful. Let me tell you the story about him. Arlo was a puppy when he was in the pound. he was about to be put to sleep when a foster lady named Jane came into the Pound and took him to a home in Tucson, Arizona. There Arlo grew up in the desert and got bigger and stronger. One day when my aunt was walking her three dogs she saw a dog running and Jane following, shouting Arlo! ARLO! You come back here! Eventually she caught him and my aunt started talking to Jane, she learned how Arlo, (the dog) was being fostered. My aunt knew the I was looking for a dog and told my family about Arlo. We came from Phoenix and met Arlo. After that we decided to buy him and take him home. And that is the story of Arlo.

Your blogger Buddie, AL.

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