Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hi! I'm so excited for VBS! ( vacation bible school ) Although it's in July our church is getting ready for it. Speaking of church, we just got back from it! It's fun because I get to see my friends and other people that I know. Here's a funny thing that happened: while we were unloading stuff from the car this guy on a skateboard came zooming down our street! I know, I know, whats so funny about that?? Well guess what! his dog was pulling him!!! It was really funny and the dog looked like it was having some fun out of it too! My dad says that he's seen that guy before. The dog was like a boxer and it was brown and white. The guy also had a little black dog on another leash that was trying to keep up! Any way I'm thinking I'm gonna sign up for a church kids choir. ( I think the theme for it is VBS too )

So that's all that's been happening so far today!
your Blogger, A.lover

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Whats new with you?

Hi there!! Whats up? I don't have to much going on right now I do have some news though, number one is that I'm a little sick. ( I think I got something from one of my friends ) The other thing is that I wanted to ask you how you liked what I changed on my blog, I change the title and I put a picture of Arlo on the front. Oh yeah! I forgot to say: ...Oh boy I really did forget what I was going to say... Oh I remember now, you know how on the last post I wrote what I thought the day would be like? Well it wasn't like that at all!! I won't go into all the details right now but my day was really very different then I thought it would be!!!

Well I'm signing out!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Whats up for today

Good Morning! I hope you've been having a good day, since there is nothing much going on today besides AWANA ( Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed ) at church then let me wright a list of things I want to do today. ( in order )

Lets see I've got my school today. ( I'm home schooled ) Then I'll eat lunch after that ( if I have time ) I think I will try to find a book that I got from the library and if I find it I'll read it. If I can't find it then I might go outside and play with my dog Arlo. After that at about 3:00 I will get all my AWANA stuff ready book, bag, bible, that kind of stuff then I will ask mom if I can get on the computer. I will probably be on there for a while until dad gets home then I will put on my shoes and I will have about five to fifteen minutes to feed Arlo in stuff like that. Then we will go pick up some of our friends and be off to AWANA there me and my friend that we picked up will find my friend D-Bug and THC ( Doodle Bug and totally horse crazy, they have blogs too ) and we will do the stuff at AWANA. then after we get dismissed. Then my dad will drop off our friends then we will be on our way back home it will be about 8:20 by the time we get there and I will make my own dinner then go to bed!!

So what will happen to you today?
- Bye, A.Lover

Monday, February 2, 2009


Hello! today I'm going to show\tell you how to put pictures on your computer.

Step one: Go to Wikipedia on Internet Explorer and type in what you want to know about or get a picture of. ( in this case I got a picture of a goat )

Step two: Look at and then choose one of the pictures and then click on it (it should get bigger )
Step three: Right click on the picture and click save picture as... ( it should be in the grayish color box ) and then typ in what you want to call the picture.
Well then thats how you load pictures onto your computer and then you can press the picture button when your editing your post on you blog.
- A.lover

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