Sunday, March 16, 2014


Today was a neat day.
{{I've fallen in love with the month of March.}}

I woke early in the morning, and sleepily eyed the sunrays peeking through my window blinds. Encouraged by the welcome morning atmosphere, I snuggled further into my blankets and hit my internal snooze.

That was the beginning, and other things followed.

wore a fedora
read scripture
cultivated friendships
laughed & loved
recognized blessings
ate pasteries
jammed out
pondered in the sunshine
opened the window
played soccer football
wrote emails
talked to texas
devoured pizza
folded clothes
packed for an adventure
and then blogged about it.

Today was a neat day. 
Tomorrow will be another.

Come with me?


elizabeth said...

I'd be falling in love with March too, if only the weather would stop being so schizophrenic... I was wearing shorts on and yesterday I wore wool socks and a winter coat. Missouri weather, Y U like to mess with my mind????

but your day sounded incredible. Hope today is just as good. :)

beth said...

Can I just say I just love how you wrote this? It feels so whimsical... and was much fun to read. :D

Kismint said...

Ely~ Mannn..that's crazy. It's like, fullblown shorts and t shirts and lemonade time down here.
I don't think I've ever worn a pair of wool socks before. They sound suffocating.

AnElvenPrincess~ Aww, thanks! That means a lot. You're very encouraging, and I really appreciate it!! :)

*tips hat* Farewell!

From Where You Cometh

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