That's three day's in a row now! I've been editing, filming, and set-making since Saturday ...I love making home videos! First my friend & I (Doodlebug was the friend) spent hours makeing a pupet-type movie that turned out really, really good! I think it might be one of the best that have been made by 'Annoying Dog Films'. And I can't wait to give Dbug's copy of it to her! And then today, me and another friend spent the whole day filming, editing, and acting out another story. This story is a video of a man (Mr. Baker) who finds that a hidden door in his house is a portal into 900 A.D. (A.K.A. a time when the world is black & white). After being pursued by a guard, Mr. Baker uses his cell-phone (suprisingly good cell0service back then) to contact people who warned him about this type of time travel, and is told that the only way he can break the lock on the door that he came from was to find The Silver Sword. Mr. Baker finds the sword (laying in a box of packing peanuts), breaks open the lock, and returns happily to his home (and back to when the world is color). It seems like a strange story, but I think it worked out. Oh, hold on, I gotta give the dog a bit o' attention...
...Oky dok, I'm back. Anyway, I'm gonna see if maybe I can put that movie that Dbug & I made on here...
See ya later!