Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I, The Beholder On Thanksgiving Day

I see people busy, their coat tails brushing by.

I see smoke rising, and orange flames endangering the pumpkin pie.

I smell savory scents swirling through the air.

I smell cinnamon cider and delicate pastries handled with care.

I hear kettles whistling, chattering their sweet and gentle sounds.

I hear crackling fires, where the warmth of the fire abounds.

I taste spicy samples, the table is set inside.

My mouth begins to water, my taste buds feel alive.

I feel famishing hunger, my patience breaking thin.

And I stare at the golden turkey, time and time again.

At last the dinner is prepared, and at once I grab a chair.

Then my gratefulness is expressed, in a simple, heartfelt prayer:

Thank you God for family, thank you God for food,

Thank you for my friends, and help me keep a grateful attitude.

I guess I'm getting into the "mood" of the season.

This was another one of my school projects. Tell me what you think of it! And more may come...

-The Poetic-Feeling Plink

From Where You Cometh

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