I'm a wreckless wave in the bottom of the sea, surging upward at a breakneck pace. I glide with silence and deliver with a pretty deadly slap shot. But accuracy's not my game, and I'm not one to understand the way things work. I hear a lot, see little, and comprehend only what you dismiss.
I'm the lighting before it strikes. My aim is there, but my talent is gone. My debut over, my credits erased. I'm just a flash on the stage---nothing more and none the less. The applause after my act is only thunder: an empty wave of energy pushing past you to get to an undefined destination.
I'm the accident you never thought would happen. The fear you were never afraid of. The drop of rain you couldn't feel. The whisper you strained to hear, but failed to receive. The love you never knew existed. I run a marathon as long as you breath.
You're the tide that washed up over me, while I was lost on the beach. The water was silver, with gold and blue, and rippled when I touched it. The longer I gazed the more like glass it appeared. I could see so much in the mirror. Things that I'd only dreamt came to life there. I remember that very same tint of green that the grass took on in the high summer. I recall the way you smiled like the sun after a snow day. You melted my heart.
You're the one who waves shyly but fails at words. The poets may call you "the winds in my sails" but I call you the wind in my face. I'll dance with that hurricane until I'm too dizzy to see the world upright, and I'll enjoy the way my hair will get tangled to the extreme.
You're the pilgrim, I'm the companion. Telling you stories on the way, and fending off the dragons while you sleep. You and I are on a road together now, and there is no way of telling when the path will fork. For now it's a little rocky, but I know we'll have some mountains to climb before we find the forest glade that both of our hearts are set on.
But someday: We'll both find what we're looking for. Even if we don't know what it is yet.
I...I pro---promise.