Any guesses on what the plot is? Please feel free to give out inklings & ideas in the comment section. I don't have an outline written out, but I have one in my head. I guess we'll just see where we go when we get there.
Also, I was wondering: Which do you prefer to read: first person or third person? First person is more fun to write, but third person gives me more wiggle room. This is quite a conundrum.
...Oh, by the way, have any of you ever hiked Humphreys Peak (located in Arizona)? If you have, I need your brain. And if you by chance happen to farm pinto beans, I need to have a few words with you.
Last night I made this awesome guy.
I pulled out a bent needle, some cheap thread, and a reeeally old pair of cut up blue jeans that I forgot to throw away years ago and just hand sewed it up around my arm. The best part? It actually zips around my wrist because I was able to keep the zipper and thread it into the rest of the material. Tonight I'm working on the left one. This one is different though, because instead of a zipper, it uses a sting of leather and laces up.
'nywaze, that's what's up.
Back at ya later,