Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow Experiance

Whoa!!! I actually, really did, SNOW at my house in Phoenix Arizona about four minutes ago for around a full 30 seconds!! I have never actually stood in falling snow! And to think, it's even sunny outside (although there are clouds and they are in the direction that the snow was falling from). It now reminds me of two things, one is that last night I had a dream that it snowed, (those dreams I had last night were really weird) and the other thing that it reminds me of is the part in the Voyage of The Dawn Treader when Lucy is reading the spell for snow out of the magician's book.
Oh yeah, I watched that at the Harkins by our house again yesterday nigh. Something about those books/movies really just sticks with me. I wonder if that's because in a way, they really are just symbols of things that are true. I often think that somewhere or someday I will see a place like Narnia. In The Last Battle (the 7th book of the series) CS Lewis creates a picture of heaven that, to me, would fit perfectly. Well, I suppose one day, I shall un-reveal that mystery!
But for now, I think I should keep my head on something more currant! For example, we just got our new TV we ordered off of!! Hipp, Hipp, Hooooray! I can't wait to start watching The Lord Of The Rings like me and my brother planed to do as soon as we got the TV and DVD player hooked up!

Untill later,
Let it snow!

From Where You Cometh

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