1. The Hobbit came out today. No, I didn't go to the midnight showing. Yes, I will be seeing it soon(ish).
2. Haphazardly Implausible, by Jack Lewis Baillot came out today. You should buy it. And read it. I'm getting a (signed!) copy of it. And I am excited about that.
3. Christmas is in 11 days, just in case you haven't noticed. Which is kind of a crazy thing, seeing as I have not decorated our house, bought presents, or worn my weird little fuzzy-sock things.
4. I need to take a math test today. But it's okay because algebra 2 is making sense.
5. A dilemma has presented itself to me: Do you like my new favorite French song that's on auto play on this page, or would you rather me change it to something more traditional? This is obviously a very important matter and requires much consideration.
6. Oh! Almost forgot: I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (err---Philosopher's) Stone last night. Which seems really really wrong ('cause of The Hobbit), but it was still a sweet movie. For your information, I watch my movies before reading the books (yes, I see that knife in your hand, but I'll explain some other time).
7. The night before last I dreamed that there were alien-zombies-who-could-shape-shift-into-humans invading Phoenix as the beginning of the end of the word and I had to fend them off with whatever weapons I could find (including sharpened pencils). After a while, I finally found my sword (a movie replica of "Sting", which---in waking life---I happen to keep stored in my bed) and was able to throw a bit of swordplay in. It seriously rocked.
8. Listening to Owl City's "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" cover. I feel like I haven't listened to Owl City in a while. Probably because I haven't. However, it's all I listened to during NaNoWriMo.
9. (speaking of) Last night I wanted to write another book. Anyone have a plot idea?
10. I'm about to take a big breath an happily dwell on the fact that I have a co-op free four weeks. Joy to the world.