Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New Injurys

Okay, gotta admit, when I first thought I'd write this post, I didn't think that I'd title it like this. But hey, new things seem to happen around here pretty fast! For example, a new experience of trying my hand at burning intricate designs into wood with a sautering knife, or a burn-pen opens up new ways to put a very badly smarting blister on your middle finger (note to self: you may want to pay a little more attention on how you pick things up). Need I tell you any more details?
Actually, it wasn't that bad, I once had a blister a lot like this one when I touched a very, very hot light bulb about, hmmm, maybe 6 years ago... Anyway, I just wasn't paying enough attention, pick up the burn-pen, dropped it in a hurry, and walked over to the water spicket where the fire on the tip of my finger was promptly quenched. Afterward, it didn't hurt until I gradually started feeling this burning that kept getting worse... ...and worse. I have resolved that little problem by ice(thank-goodness for ice!). I must say, (and I don't mean to brag) that since that incident a couple hours ago, i have become quite skilled in the art of holding a wash-cloth full of ice in my left hand and type post on both my blogs with my right hand, at a very good (considering) speed.
Now, since I have finished typing about my first injury of today, I shall continue and explain the second one (which thankfully was not as painful and was much easier to deal with).
Disturbingly, this next incident of clumsiness actually happened while I was finishing up my post on Dragons Fly(99). Okay, so I just was harmlessly turning up the sound of the music that I was listening to while posting, by lifting my hand and turning the little Knob doo-dad on my speaker set. Unfortunately, my hand (the non-blister-on-finger-one) was not the only thing that descended down. You see, I HAD a glass jar in which I put some rocks of mine in and placed on my desk. I just so happened to knock it down and it of course fell, and cracked, and broke. while picking up the pieces, I took a look at the jar and, (yeah, I know, this was kinda dumb of me and a little clumsy) put mt finger on the edge of the cracked part to check on how.. ..hold on I gotta find more ice for my finger... owww ...okay, anyhow, I put my finger on the edge of the cracked part to check on how sharply it broke off. And of course, (you're probably either laughing or rolling your eyes) I just happened to cut my un-blistered hand right in between my index finger and thumb. And actually, that is a part on your hand that often doesn't stop bleeding in a hurry. So after I took care of the mess and vacuumed I got straight back to posting, which is what I'm doing now (and now with ice in one hand, and a band-aid on the other).
So what did you do for New-Years eve? We had some friends over, watched movies, (on our new, really big TV) actually made a movie, ate a lot of snacks, etc.
Well, gotta get ready for bed! Goodnight!

Happy 0'11,

From Where You Cometh

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