Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Talebearer's Re-accountings

As I fall asleep, my eyes widen. Carols of the midsummer ring in the peppered air. Words, like purple lupins of the mountainside spring gallantly int the present ad out of the past. I remember.

I remember everything now.

The wind over the lake the sad in our eyes. It was a dream in my mind, but that didn't matter, because I was dreaming now. Our dreams intertwined together and danced a swirly-twirly dance I couldn't think of a name for. he whirl of colors reflected off of the water like stained glass, and the sky was tinted like a rainbow. We had forgotton our sunglasses, but the wider our eyelids we flung open like shutters on a window, the more clearly we could see. This was truely a world at its brightest. At that point, we knew light never lost a fight agaist dark. It never even had to try.

2:00 AM and the mist approaches the bay.

My shoes are by my side and my feet over the edge. Nothing but the lights of the seaport to catch my eye. All is still. Everything lonely. My only thoughs dive the depths of the ocean vistas far beneath me, and Iwnder at my finds. I know the light does not hit some places down there.

But that is no accident.

Clock chimes: 2...3...4...It never stops. Every once in a while, those bells might take a quick breather, but stop? No. They won't stop. It is their job to be a force that is inherently impossible to stop. Time is not a thing to meddle with---only to use wisely.

There was more. More in a woody glade. It started warm and green: fresh with living things. The light there was not dead, but very much breathing. It raidiated out, filling the place with a glowing brilliance. Every leaf and bough was a star in the sky, gleaming with a sparkle of its own. But after a while, cold and bitter raided and stole. They took what was never their's, replacing the green with burned colors of rust and mud.. Bare and gloomy is that place now. I am glad I once saw it how it was ment to be.

When I said it all came back to me, it was no lie. But a talebearer cannot tell all that has happened, lest she run short of her onn trade.

What do you see with those eyes of yours? Open up.

Stringy Thoughts

So do you mind ink blots or not?
I'm not good with writing much of anything. It's clear enough, I know. But it's okay anyway.

I've got youth group hockey league on the brain (as was testified in the previous post), and a stack of t-shirts to hang up floating above my head. Also, this keyboard is driving me crazy because I have to press really hard to make every 'r' come after the 'e', 'h' come after the 't', and 'space' come in between.

Autumn is here. Unfortunately, it happens that Fall falls at a very depressing time---when school starts warming up. Oh joy. Autumn is also a bit irritating at times because to be honest, cacti and palm trees don't exactly have leaves that burst into brilliant golds, tangerines, and rubies. But you know what? Autumn brings hope to the desert dweller. It brings a taste of cooler temperatures, an inkling of pumpkin pie, and sometimes---on the very rare occasion---an excuse to wear a hoodie!

And that is a reason to thank God for Autumn.

So anyway, all this Autumn hallapalooza stuff that goes on is giving me another legit excuse too. Therefore, dear friends, when you wonder at why on earth I am changing my blog template for the 400th-odd time, I will look you blankly in the eye and proclaim that:
"I want to keep up with the festivity."
After all, what would the world do without those people who can't stand to let the paint dry on their wall because they want a new color up ASAP??
Stay creative, and smile with your hoodies and holidays!
God bless,

From Where You Cometh

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