Good morning, or good afternoon, or good evening! Hi A.lover here. WARNING: BEFORE YOU READ THIS POST TURN AROUND IN CIRCLES UNTIL YOU FALL DOWN. Just kidding! but still, I think you should read the post call Updates. ( and you might want to read the post called Tommy too ) Today lets find out about Danny. Danny is the tallest horse that I have ever met! I think hes about 6'+ at the withers! Even though I have never ridden Danny I think that there might be a little tiny chance that I will soon. You see, Danny is like a BIG version of Bucky. ( read about Bucky on the post Updates ) Danny is a Paint Pinto Thoroughbred mix. and is very very beautiful.
Hey guess what! tomorrow is my B-day!
That's it 4 now, AL.
Hey guess what! tomorrow is my B-day!
That's it 4 now, AL.