I took a picture of this because I'm a dork.
I can't for the life of me figure out what a rubber handle grip on a toothbrush would provide control of.
Tell me people, do they think that we are all ignorant to proper teeth-cleaning utensil handleage?? It looks to me as if they're hinting at something in this all but suspicious appearing diagram! Perhaps the toothbrush I so innocently ripped from its tidy little plastic packaging job is really a weapon of destruction!! (I'm sure you've all heard about the File-in-Cake Prison Delivery Co.) Obviously this element is has a secret capability of the unthinkable. A missile of some sort? Otherwise used for impaling unsuspecting victims?? Methinks surveillance is in order. You are all warned. If anything anti-ordinary is noted, contact mytoothbrush=evilestantagonistsincedarthvader.org * immediately.
Trust not the toothbrush. For they shalt deceive.
[While cracking up at my own absolute idioticness],
* not actual webpage