First I give the mandatory NaNo update:
I'm lurking somewhere between despair and self-congratulations. To be on track, I need to plug at least 1100 words into my word pad doc before midnight tonight. In this way, I'm *cough*surprisingly*cough* on track. Which is kinda weird on its own.
That's where my self-congratulations is coming from. The despair part is a whole 'nother slice of pie (Thanksgiving pun not intended).
Long, complicated, and stringy summery cut short: My novel is pretty much trash. Not that I would ever---EVER---decide to just throw a whole 16,000 words in the garbage (think of all the time and sweat and bleeding fingers that it took to get that many syllables on one page!), but it's bad. I've reached the point of rambling on and intentionally inserting run-on sentences to increase word count. My own work is putting me to sleep. And when that happens, it's a sad day.
Something else that's rather confusing: November is halfway over and my main character is still meeting his future protags.
I mean, you'd think that he be in the middle of saving the world by now, but NO, AT 30 PAGES, HE'S STILL STUCK IN A STUPID BOOKSTORE EATING DONUTS AND COFFEE.
*enter me throwing something across the room*
Okay, I have to rant, you understand that right? After I click the orange publish button and launch this post, I'm doomed to go and sit down and cook up another stingy batch of 1000 words on my intensely unsatisfying story. It's just...wrong. All wrong.
Instead, I'm just going to resurrect it from the grave sometime when I'm board and living in a retirement home.
Such are my NaNo feelings.
*sigh of relief* Ohhhh, that felt good. Nothing like a depressing gulp of pessimistic attitude to cheer your day!
So tell me, tell me, how are you? Are you about to celebrate the coming Thursday with grandeur and cranberry sauce alike? Or maybe you're hoping for a white Christmas already, and crossing your fingers that there are considerably less broken bulbs for the tree lights then there were last year.
Holidays are fun. But more than that, they help us remember the important things. I always have a spot in my heart for summertime, but when the days grow dark and cold, there's some sweetness in that as well.
The End,