ha. :D
In less alliteration---hi, how are you? I've been messing around with my old crayola watercolor packets.
It's a Wednesday afternoon, and I'm filling up my weekday time by computerizing and slouching on an exercise ball.
I have a question though---who are your favorite music artists and why? I have my own favorites, and I'm curious to know what makes people love their musicians.
Is it the sound of their voices? Their songwriting abilities? The way their personalities bleed through their music? All of the above?
I'm a weird person in many regards, but one of those weirdnesses of mine is that I have an incredibly hard time understanding and/or memorizing lyrics. I literally have to read along with the words if I actually want to understand what's going on withing the melodies.
This means that whenever I get a song stuck in my head---which is a constant thing---it's a safe guess that I'm making up the words.
---Fun fact on this one: When I was little and sang the song "God Bless America", I made up my own gibberish phrases for the words that I never heard correctly.
Needless to say, this caused me to grow up a very confused child.
Gibberish phrases set aside, I'm still interested to know why you like the musicians you do. What are you partial to?