Last night was pretty interesting. In fact, so was last
I've been busy, and trying to avoid the screen that I'm looking at in order not to fall into it's tempting grip of googly-eye stareing.
Computer screens are not at all helpful to my eyes.
But I need to post. And I should tell you about yesterday. Which of course, was the fourth of July!
Poor Arlo, he
hates 'The Fourth.' Fireworks creep him out, while strange people start to invade his territory.
So this year, we put him in the laundry room. He did okay, although, a small portion of his water dish ended up on the floor (luckily water is not harmful to tile). And I think that through that situation, he has come to feel secure with his new blanket that we got him. His old pillow we absolutely disgusting, so we through it away. Thus, making him feel vulnerable without his 'Security Pillow.' He had that pillow since we got him, so I don't think he was very pleased when we got rid of it.
...He was very emotionally attached...
But now, he has a nice little gray fleece blanket. Which most likely smells funny to him on account that it is from Savers. Although now, it smells funny because it's his blanket.
Anyhow, Arlo was okay (considering), but he was only a part of the 4th that I was concerned about.
First of all was sleep.
Wondrous SLEEP!
I like to sleep. It is pleasant. It is nice. It is vital to your activity status. It is good.
Today was the first day I have slept in since the Monday before yesterday.
That doesn't sound like much, but I sleep in almost every day of the week. And now I think I am adapting to life before 10:00 AM.
...I guess that's a good thing...
You see, for three days last week, I helped at a Backyard Bible Club at an apartment by church. It was great! ...especially on the day when we actually had kids that came.
And then on Friday I had riding lessons in the morning: No sleeping in that day.
And then Saturday was a day of doing yard work in the morning, and being lazy in the afternoon.
And then Sunday was spent at church in the morning, and a 50th birthday party for a family friend in the evening.
And last of all... The Fourth of July.
Now that was started with walking/jogging 4 miles at the Rio Vista Recreation Center.
And then ended when we left home at 11:59 PM to go to church, so as to drop of my brother so he could go to Youth Camp.
The Youth Camp this year is at
Rock-n-Water. It sounded really fun.
...And the campers should almost be there... ...if they aren't already...
But anyway, they left inside a big HUGE bus, equiped with their pillows, and with their excited looks shadowed by looks of falling asleep with their eyes open (that last part goes for me too).
The bus had TV screens hooked up to a DVD player, so I'm pretty sure that they must have watched some movies on the 16 hour trip (and if they watched
The Lord of The Rings, I will be overcome with envy).
While there, they will rock-climb, go rafting, and do a lot more fun, challenging things. And they will also get scoops of great bible studys and quiet-times to go along with that.
...I can't wait for when I get to go!
But back to last night.
What did you do for the 4th?
We had our annual Fourth of July party: complet with snacks, and walking to the wash to watch firworks.
The fireworks!
The sports complex by our house has AMAZING fireworks every year! I am always impressed. And I hope it stays like that!
I love it when we invite lots of friends over, and our house is filled with talking, laughter, and watermelon...
I guess that's all I have for now.
Don't forget to check out Dragons Fly to read a slightly more detailed story of my week.