Monday, August 25, 2008

What was that post?!?

OK that kinda took me by surprise! I see that my DAD downloaded one of his pictures on my blog with out me knowing! oh how sneaky Dad, how very sneaky. Well if you want to know what this picture is about then here is the explanation: My brother his three friends my Dad my brothers friends Dad and my Grandpa. Went on a hike to fossil creek springs for my brothers B-day. So there you have it, we have solved the mystery! hip hip hoary! OK enough.

See ya sometime, A.lover

Friday, August 22, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ms. Demeanor

Hello! Before you read the words on this post then please read the post called Updates. OK today lets talk about Demi. Demi is a have Arabian and is Buckskin colored. Buckskin means a yellowish color with black legs, main, and tail. Buckskins are almost like Duns but a Buckskin has no strip on its back. So anyway, Demi is one of my favorites because of her personality. I think she is the most fun horse to ride. Demi has a funny way of acting when your riding, if you just barly nudge her she will do a big working walk! ( there are three speeds of walking, trotting, and catering. collected, working. and extended ) It's the same thing when you want her to trot: she just gos and gos and GOS! Over all I really really like Demi and I'm glad I got to have a fun time with her.

Later, AL.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dare to dream in color

Good morning, or good afternoon, or good evening! Hi A.lover here. WARNING: BEFORE YOU READ THIS POST TURN AROUND IN CIRCLES UNTIL YOU FALL DOWN. Just kidding! but still, I think you should read the post call Updates. ( and you might want to read the post called Tommy too ) Today lets find out about Danny. Danny is the tallest horse that I have ever met! I think hes about 6'+ at the withers! Even though I have never ridden Danny I think that there might be a little tiny chance that I will soon. You see, Danny is like a BIG version of Bucky. ( read about Bucky on the post Updates ) Danny is a Paint Pinto Thoroughbred mix. and is very very beautiful.
Hey guess what! tomorrow is my B-day!

That's it 4 now, AL.

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